Instant Access to High-Quality Themes
Both pricings contains all of our features.
Check All Our FeaturesBefore upgrading in Pro version, Try our free themes and check it. Your chosen theme suitable for your business?
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Yes, we will issue a full refund within 15 days from the date of purchase for sound reasons from you such as: the theme you purchased is malfunctioning, corrupt or does not work as claimed AND you are getting mediocre support.
To upgrade from Free to Premium version, please deactivate and delete an free version of a theme and install the downloaded from file. No data will be lost. Your all data will stored in yourn WordPress, you need only small setup.
The main payment gateway is to purchase a product on Nayrathemes using your credit card supported by Visa, MasterCard, AMEX or Discover using 2Checkout.Alternatively users may purchase a product using PayPal.
Nothing. Your website will continue to work after your subscription expires, however, you won't be able to access theme updates and support.
Having issues when trying to login? Try to reset your password, automatic reply can go into your Junk/Spam folder. Alternatively, drop us an email using this Contact Us form and we will be right back to you.
NayraThemes employs an annual support subscription at the rate of the purchased product for continual access to support, forums, theme updates and the account.
Still have a question? Reach out to us: [email protected]